Followers : Perfect functionalities for beginners.

The “Followers” NFT collection comes with important free features to increase your visibility on social networks. When I started a few months ago, I would have liked to benefit from these opportunities which would have allowed me to reach 8000 followers on Twitter more quickly. Nothing that follows is mandatory. Everything is free and optional. The NFTs are available on Opensea / Polygon, with the first ones for sale at 1 MATIC, 0.001 ETH. Their price will then increase regularly.

  1. Intrinsic value.

Each NFT is created individually with the help of AI, and only the most beautiful ones have been kept. These are creations that have their own beauty and intrinsic rarity. This can be your first motivation to acquire them.

  1. Get free followers.

When you buy a “Followers” NFT, you can share it on social networks with the phrase “#NFTlover is looking for #NFTfollowers”. Then go to the #nftfollowers tag by clicking on it in your own message. Follow and retweet the users who have posted another “Followers” NFT. You can repeat this maneuver (but never more than once a day).

  1. Be added to my Twitter group.

When I see your first “Followers” tweet (you can tag @Salimar8686 for more visibility), I will add you to my Twitter group. This is a group where you can share your tweets without any time limit. You can leave it freely if you don’t want to stay.

  1. Sell your first NFT. (FOR BEGINNERS).

Furthermore, when you make your purchase on the primary market (directly from me), I commit to buying one of your NFTs if you have any for 1 MATIC or less, or to making you an offer of 1 MATIC if your NFTs are more expensive. You have no obligation to accept this offer. It can be particularly useful if you are a complete beginner and have not yet made any sales. You can tweet that you have been added to my collection. This offer is only valid on Opensea marketplace.

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