In my drops on Foundation, what are the mythics for?

In most of my drop, if you have luck, you can find some mythics.

Each Mythic gives you the right to a free mint on another collection often of a much higher value.

The benefit of this cashback is limited to the reimbursement of the new nft that you will acquire. Fees related to the ETH network are not refunded.
(I advise you to use a browser extension to know at what time of the day or week the network charges are lowest).

For example, the “Mitosis” drop (Mint price is 0.0015 ETH) contains 4 mythical easily recognizable by their dominant red.

If you find one Mythic at the reveal. You may choose :

– Mint one “Past whispers” for 0.035 ETH + fees, I will cashback you reimbursement of 0.035 ETH
– Mint one “Lord of the ring” for 0.0085 ETH + fees, I will cashback you reimbursement of 0.0085ETH
– Mint three “Lord of the ring” for 0.0085×3 = 0.0255 ETH + fees, I will cashback you reimbursement of 0.0255 ETH

(If both set are drop out, you will get the same offer on a next one)

Normal item

Mythic item.

One of the “Past Whisper”. Mint for 0.035 ETH

One of the LOTR collection. mint price 0.0085 ETH

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